Oxhill News |
www.oxhill.com / www.oxhill.org.uk |
South Warwickshire, England. |
The Oxhill News June 2006 |
Notes of the Oxhill Annual Parish Council Meeting Held on Tuesday 23rd May 2006 at 8pm in the Village Hall Following the May elections, Parish Councillors: David Hill, Tom Heritage and Gwyneth Adams remain in office. Brian Emmerson and Stephen Hackett did not stand for re-election, therefore two vacancies exist and these will be filled by co-option at the July meeting. A vote of thanks was given to Brian Emmerson and Stephen Hackett for their services to the community as Parish Councillors. ELECTION OF OFFICERS David Hill was re-elected Chairman Tom Heritage was re-elected Vice Chairman MATTERS DISCUSSED Arising from the Parish Meeting The question of a possible funding requirement for the adult Leaning Centre and Nursery facility at Tysoe . This would be considered only if supported by all other parishes in the surrounding area and after consultation with the village. Coventry Airport A letter from solicitors, Messrs. Jones Day of London, acting on behalf of the West Midlands International Airport Limited (WMIAL) was sent to the Chairman of the Parish Council on 13th April, outlining plans for the development of revised Noise Preferential Routes/Standard Departure Routes (NPR/SDR) from Coventry. About 500 councils received a similar letter. It was subsequently ascertained that the new routes would pass some 6 km to the east of Oxhill at an altitude (above sea level) of no less than 6000 ft. The 6 km is subject to a possible variation of 1.5 km either side of the new NPR/SDR. In practical terms this means that aircraft taking off from Coventry would pass over say, Ratley and would affect Oxhill minimally, if at all, concerning noise pollution. The Parish Council has responded to Jones Day to the effect that there is no comment on WMIAL’s proposals at the moment, but reserves the right to do so if necessary. We can assume that many communities under the NPR/SDRs will be affected and will be making strong representation. If any resident has a comment on the above, or would like further information, please contact a Parish Councillor. Planning Application for extension to form living accommodation at Mast House was returned with no objection. Application to raise and repair roof of pig sty and change its use to stable and store was returned with no objection. Permission had been granted for rear extension at Stablecroft. Finance Mandatory Insurance cover of £294.28 was paid. Honorarian of £150 was paid to the Clerk. Audit Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006, Notes to the Account, Variation statement and Bank Reconciliation were presented to the meeting and sign by the Chairman. Verges A request for verges to be made good following work on the Methodist Chapel will be made. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 11th July 2006 at 8.00 p.m. in the Village Hall. Angela Kean, Clerk |
This site is maintained by villagers of Oxhill for the benefit of the community and those interested in the history, news and activities that make the village such a pleasant place to live. |
Send mail to the editor of the Oxhill News at news-editor @ oxhill.org.uk. |
©2006 Oxhill Village (Terms and Conditions of use) |
Last modified: June 20, 2006 |