Oxhill News

www.oxhill.com / www.oxhill.org.uk

South Warwickshire, England.

The Oxhill News

June 2007

This months News



St Peter’s Weekend at Whatcote

June 23rd & 24th

On Saturday 23rd June an entire Symphony Orchestra, the Leamington Sinfonia, by some feat of compression, squeeze into Whatcote Church and will perform a varied and enlivening range of works, from the gentle Elgar Chanson de Nuit/Chanson de Matin, to the showy Mozart Horn Concerto no 4, and ending with Czech composer Antonin Dvorak’s warm and joyful Symphony no 8.

Is this the first time that such music has been performed in our small church ?

Tickets, priced at £8.00 (concessions £6.00) are available from PCC members, or phone 01295 680007/680294.  Proceeds for St Peter’s Church.

The concert will start at 7:30 p.m. and light refreshments are included.

On Sunday 24th June we are holding our annual Open Air Service at St Peter’s tide in the churchyard when all are very welcome.  Coffee/tea/soft drink and biscuits will be available afterwards.

Sue Price

This site is maintained by villagers of Oxhill for the benefit of the community and those interested in the history, news and activities that make the village such a pleasant place to live.

Send mail to the editor of the Oxhill News at news-editor @ oxhill.org.uk.

©2007 Oxhill Village (Terms and Conditions of use)

Last modified: May 28, 2007