Oxhill News

www.oxhill.com / www.oxhill.org.uk

South Warwickshire, England.

The Oxhill News

February 2015

This months News



Parish Action Plan

As you will have read, the Action Plan was addressed by the Parish Council at the last meeting.  There are eight ‘value statements’ that require action to be taken and some require more input than the parish council can achieve alone.

  1. Support for the elderly – needs the formation of a working group.  We need volunteers.

  2. Access a range of activities for young people – again needs the formation of a working group and again volunteers needed.

Perhaps one working group could address both the above?  Just a suggestion.

  1. To retain close connection with the countryside – OWLS has already undertaken and will continue to support this criteria.  If you would like to join OWLS, please contact me.

  2. Flooding – the Parish Council will be contacting Severn Trent Water to start with and will liaise with affected residents.

  3. Development/Planning in Oxhill – now we have a Parish Plan, which the Parish Council can use to support planning issues.

  4. Oxhill residents want people to behave responsibly – there are several points to be addressed here and as you can see from the Parish Council minutes, these were discussed in some detail.

a)  Speeding – we do require seven volunteers to train in the use of a community camera.  Mick Shepherd will co-ordinate this, but initially application forms can be obtained from Angela Kean – 680441.

b) Parking – this is quite a difficult one in a small village.  While it is accepted that when there is a function in the Old Chapel, cars will have to park partly on the pavement, we have had complaints that some vehicles have been parking fully on the pavement by the telephone box, obstructing visibility, which is another matter.  Persistent offenders will have their vehicle photographed and sent to the Police.  It really is just a matter of being considerate and ‘think before you park’.

c) Dog fouling – again think of YOUR responsibility.  Part of the problem seems to be that occasionally younger residents of the village, when walking the family dog, ignore the fact that their dog has just fouled the pavement.  Please make sure your children take the ‘poo bags’ with them.

  1. Broadband – Mike Collins is monitoring this one for us at the moment.

  2. Oxhill residents should be well informed – We have the Oxhill News and two notice boards, so it is difficult to see what more we can do.  I think those of us on the Parish Council, village hall committee and PCC just need to look at how if possible we can give out more information – perhaps an information booklet to every house or a village website.  Do we have a volunteer to look at putting something like this together?

Any suggestions, ideas, or volunteers, please contact Grenville Moore – 680664.

This site is maintained by villagers of Oxhill for the benefit of the community and those interested in the history, news and activities that make the village such a pleasant place to live.

Send mail to the editor of the Oxhill News at news-editor @ oxhill.org.uk.

©2015 Oxhill Village (Terms and Conditions of use)

Last modified: February 09, 2015