Oxhill News

www.oxhill.com / www.oxhill.org.uk

South Warwickshire, England.

The Oxhill News

June 2015

This months News



Bread Group

Just to let you all know Bread group is now up and running for the summer.  We meet on Tuesday nights once a month at 7.00 pm at the Old Chapel.  We made some lovely cinammon bread this month.  It was a great success and absolutely delicious.

Here are the dates for the next 5 months - 23rd June, 21st July, 11th August, 22nd September and 20th October.  Hopefully avoiding most holiday periods.

Joy Clarke will email you shortly before each meeting to give you instructions on what ingredients to bring or whether to follow a recipe to first prove.  This cuts down the amount of time we have to wait for each proving.

We have had some problems with emails.  Please can you respond to Joy,  jclarke@joyclarke.com  and let her know whether you are coming or not.  This will help in calculating the amount of ingredients etc required as well as Joy knowing if you have actually received her email or not.  If there is anyone in the village who would like to join us do come along on any of the dates.

Gaynor Van Dijk

This site is maintained by villagers of Oxhill for the benefit of the community and those interested in the history, news and activities that make the village such a pleasant place to live.

Send mail to the editor of the Oxhill News at news-editor @ oxhill.org.uk.

©2015 Oxhill Village (Terms and Conditions of use)

Last modified: May 28, 2015